Big Brother 16 Recap 9/14/14: Episode 36 Week 12 HoH and Nominations

Big Brother 16 Recap 9/14/14: Episode 36 Week 12 “HoH and Nominations”

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 16 returns with an all new Sunday September 14, Week 12 episode 36 called, “Nominations and HoH.”  On tonight’s episode we are racing towards the season finale and tonight after last week’s rewind we will have another HoH competition and there will be two more nominees.  We have already spoiled tonight’s episode, if you want to find out what went down you can head over and read our nifty spoiler.

On last week’s episode the house erupted when although  another house guest was suppose to be eliminated from the Big Brother house, the houseguests soon found out that was not going to happen.  The remaining contestants were informed that there was a rewind and all the the results were cancelled.  Needless to say Frankie was not thrilled.  At the end of the episode we saw the beginning of the new HoH competition.  Did you watch last week’s episode?  If you missed it and want to catch up before tonight, we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s show we will see the end of the HoH competition that was started last episode.  Once the new HoH is crowned we will find out who He or She nominates.

Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 8pm with another great episode, we will be live blogging the show with all the up-to-the-minute details so make sure to come back to Celeb Dirty Laundry and watch the show with us. Can’t wait to see how all the drama plays out, how about you? Are you excited about Big Brother?

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Tonight’s episode of Big Brother kicks off with the Week 12 Head of Household competition. Since the houseguests pushed the rewind button, they have to compete in the HOH all over again. Derrick has to sit this one out, Frankie, Caleb, Cody, and Victoria battle it out in the see-saw competition. Before the competition starts Derrick reminds Cody and Caleb that this is their shot to get Frankie out. The water begins spraying down on the players and the start balancing their rubber balls across the see-saw. After a neck and neck race, Caleb is victorious and wins the Head of Household competition.

After the HOH competition, Caleb, Cody, and Derrick celebrate while Frankie is in the bathroom. A paranoid Frankie takes Derrick aside and begins grilling him about who Caleb is going to nominate, Frankie wants Caleb to keep the nominations the same and put Cody and Victoria back up on the block. Later in the stock room Frankie asks Caleb who he is going to nominate, Caleb admits that he doesn’t want to put up Cody.

Caleb corners Derrick and asks him is he should put Frankie up on the block. Caleb is scared that Frankie is going to win the Power of Veto, and then come after him next week. Derrick reassures him it is a smart move putting up Frankie because Frankie is going to try to take him out eventually because Caleb is a huge threat in the game. Caleb heads out to the kitchen and confesses to Cody that he is thinking of putting Derrick up as a pawn.

The next day the houseguests wake up and learn it is time for a luxury competition. The TV in the living-room instructs them to head up stairs to the HOH room where they find a flat screen TV and a buffet of breakfast food. On the TV screen they see all of the evicted houseguests run through their house and begin destroying it. Christine makes a bee line for their alcohol and begins dumping it down the drain, Zack and Nicole begin dumping cereal all over the floor, Hayden dumps the dirty laundry and towels all over the house.

[9:50:01 PM] Amanda Austin: Hayden, Zack, Jocasta, Christine, Donny, and Nicole head to the backyard. They learn that they are competing in the luxury competition, they must run through the house and find hidden hockey pucks. Whoever finds the most wins $5,000. The current houseguests place bets upstairs, and whosever player wins the $5,000 will also win $5,000. They watch helplessly from upstairs as the evicted houseguests destroy the house looking for pucks. Zach and Christine are knocked out of the competition, followed by Jocasta and Donny. It’s down to the wire and Hayden finds the last puck and knocks out Nicole. Hayden wins the $5,000 and so does Victoria since she chose Hayden as the winner.

The houseguests come out of the HOH room and their house is destroyed. The luxury competition players even dumped the garbage on the floor and flipped the furniture over. They begin sifting through the rubble looking for their possessions. Cody announces it is safe to say there are some bitter people in their jury. After hours of cleaning they all sit down in the kitchen and Frankie begins making fun of Caleb and the way he talks.

Later that night Frankie corners Caleb in the HOH room, Frankie knows that either he or Derrick are going up on the block with Victoria. Frankie reminds him that he has never put him up on the block, and he is scared that Cody and Derrick are trying to pit him and Caleb against each other.

It’s finally time for the nomination ceremony, all of the houseguests gather in the livingroom. Caleb announces that he is putting Frankie and Victoria up for eviction.

