Britney Spears fired her trainer after he tried to limit her hot derg intake

I don’t begrudge Britney Spears anything at this point. I’m just thankful that she seems to have found some good medication, and that she’s in a good place mentally. Sure, I’ll gently tease some aspects of her appearance – like her Busted Weave, or her clothes. But as for Britney’s body… well, I think a lot of it isn’t her fault. I think she’s being medicated, and that affects how much energy she has, and I think her conservator and father’s idea of a “healthy diet” involves lots of processed foods and lots and lots of grits. Plus, Britney’s had two kids. So she’s a little bit thicker these days – it’s fine. But! This story is still kind of funny – Britney just fired her trainer after he tried to “restrict” her diet of funions and hot dergs.

Britney Spears’ infamous trainer Derek DeGrazio has gotten the boot for restricting her diet too much.

“It was amicable,” says an insider to In Touch. Britney, 30, doesn’t want to worry about every single thing that goes into her mouth anymore. “She knows Jason loves her no matter what and he has encouraged her not to stress about it.”

Adds the insider, “But Derek felt Britney made him look bad when she cheated on her diet.”

[From In Touch Weekly]

“She knows Jason loves her no matter what and he has encouraged her not to stress about it” – that bothers me. It’s not “Britney feels fine, she’s happy where she is.” It’s “Britney’s boyfriend told her he doesn’t mind, so she’s okay with it.” She may be 30 years old now, but she’s still got the mental age of a 16 year old, doesn’t she?

This is the body that hot dergs built:

Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.
