Not many MMORPGs feature a comprehensive and massive class system in their gameplay. However, Black Desert Online differs from this approach by employing a staggering 26-class system which can be further subdivided into Succession and Awakening types. Despite possessing unique powers and abilities, not all classes are at par. There's a stark power difference between some of the classes in the game.
In this article, we will rank all 26 classes available in the game. Although each class may be stronger or weaker in specific modes, the list takes into consideration both their PvP and PvE prowess. Some classes are also discussed in detail.
This tier list is divided into four ranks: SS, S, A, B, and C. The addition of the D tier was not necessary because no class is particularly useless in the current state of the game. This tier list is based on the following factors:
Those belonging to the SS-Tier are the most powerful in Black Desert Online. They offer massive damage output, great survivability mechanics, and impressive combat versatility. They are strong both in PvE and PvP. These are the classes you would choose if you want to excel in BDO:
Berserker is currently the best class in Black Desert Online. They have high damage output and wide attack range, making them powerful in both PvE and PvP. They are also highly versatile as they can adapt to different combat and environment settings.
S-tier classes are strong enough to dominate most in-game scenarios. Similar to the SS-tier classes, they are capable of dealing high damage output, although it may take mastery and practice. They are also highly versatile and are strong in PvP and PvE.
The Sorceress is an all-rounder class, primarily because of the damage they can deal, and their high defense rating. They're a fairly simple class to master, but positioning is key during Guild vs Guild, as they are often the primary targets. Still, this class is perfect for those who prefer a low-risk yet highly rewarding play style.
Classes in this tier are not the strongest in the current meta, but they are still viable options in the game. They excel in specific scenarios and are not the most well-rounded overall. However, mastery of these classes can set you up for great success.
Valkyries offer extremely high burst and power balance and are generally durable. However, mastering this class takes a lot of work, but it pays off with great skill and combo damage.
Although they might not be as powerful or adaptable as the classes in higher tiers, these BDO classes are still good choices. However, they likely have flaws or restrictions that force you to play more strategically. These classes fall into this tier:
The Mystic class has access to powerful Awakening abilities. They are extremely powerful in PvE setups but are easily dominated by ranged classes in PvP and Guild vs Guild.
It may take a lot more time and effort to get similar outcomes from these classes than those in higher tiers. They might have distinctive playstyles or skills that draw in particular players, but these aren't always as useful or potent.
Archers have a decent damage output but are extremely reliant on gears, so you'll need to invest a lot of time and resources to harness their power. They are excellent ranged fighters but need to keep a constant distance from their enemies.
These are the current classes in Black Desert Online. If you are looking to play this game, now is the right time to hop on the hype with the release of Land of the Morning Light expansion.
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