Judge Vivian Polania has been the talk of Colombia in recent days due to some erotic videos in which the official is seen in some rather suggestive pictures, one of them shot in the same Palace of Justice in Cucuta on the day of the celebration of Love and Friendship in Colombia.
After this, she has received public criticism from the whole nation, but she has also been reprimanded by the authorities for these acts.
Judge Heidi Vivían Polanía filmed with stripper at the Cúcuta courthouse
In these images you can see Vivian Polania acting quite sexually explicit, sitting on a chair, while receiving a sensual dance performed by a man. You can also see how he passes her a waffle, in a very suggestive way, with the look of a penis.
Following this video, the Sectional Council of the Judiciary of Norte de Santander denounced these behaviors of Judge Polania and issued a circular urging officials to comply with "the appropriate use of public spaces".
The complaint has not stopped there and this Tuesday the Judicial Disciplinary Commission of Norte de Santander took action on the matter by imposing the first sanction against Judge Polania: she will be suspended from her post for three months, during which time she will not receive a salary either.
"She carried out the lewd and improper act within the premises of the Palace of Justice in Cucuta, in front of her co-workers, whom she took by surprise into her office to observe the aforementioned act," explained the Committee.
"She did this in front of his colleagues in such a way that it was a calculated and abusive act".
The judge explained herself regarding the controversial video after it went viral. In her explanations, she played down the importance of what appeared in the images and clarified that it was all part of a party that was held at the court and that its objective was to reward the best judge.
"My intention was to have a good time. Not erotic, no, what it caused was laughter", she pointed out in an interview with Sin Carreta.
For Polania, this act was something completely normal and she stresses that she is not the only official who appears in the video.
"All the judges took part, but of all the officials who were there, the only one who was mentioned was me. That night they all laughed," says Polania, who also wanted to reiterate that the dancer who appears in the video is not a stripper.
The worst part of the matter is that in her explanation, Polania acknowledges that they were drinking liquor during working hours, in the Palace of Justice.
The judge recalled that she is currently incapacitated due to health issues and that she practically cannot "get out of bed".
"I have a throat infection and mental problems. I have a chronic depression syndrome, for which I was incapacitated for four months last year," she told Channel 1.
This is not the first time that the judge has been involved in controversy. Vivian Polania has become famous on social media since her first scandal for uploading several racy photos and videos.
In addition, the 42-year-old lawyer went viral in 2022 for a video in which she appeared half-naked and smoking a cigarette in the middle of a hearing.
In the middle of the session, the judge had an oversight and inadvertently enabled the camera on her computer, which was visible to everyone. For this, she was also suspended by the same Commission that is now calling for the same punishment, calling her attitude "deplorable" at the time.
In the end it came to nothing, because the measure was revoked by the National Commission of Judicial Discipline, which considered that there were insufficient arguments to punish her with disqualification.