Every character revived by Takemichi's final time-leap

Tokyo Revengers has been full of unexpected twists as it finally nears its long-awaited and much-anticipated conclusion. Throughout its run, mangaka Ken Wakui kept viewers glued to his manga by adding a number of complexities. His final one was Takemichi time-leaping back 10 years with Mikey.

Following the time-leap, the two appear as kids and can surprisingly recognize each other. Not only that, it seems as if the timeline went through a hard reset, given that characters who had previously died have all now returned.

Here's a look at the characters who were revived by Takemichi's final time-leap.

Tokyo Revengers: All characters who returned thanks to Takemichi's final time-leap

1) Draken aka Ken Ryuguji

Draken aka Ken Ryuguji (Image via LidenFilms)

The biggest return in Tokyo Revengers with Takemichi's final time-leap was Draken. A fan favorite, Ken Ryuguji passed away when he saved Takemichi from Rokuhara Tandai members. He was shot three times when he took the bullets meant for the Crybaby Hero. In other timelines, he was a walking death flag for most of the story, either already dead or in the process of getting himself killed.

Anyhow, after the final time-leap, Draken returned as Takemichi, and Mikey started everything from scratch. So, whatever happened throughout Tokyo Revengers, was erased, thus saving him.

2) Emma Sano

Emma Sano (Image via LidenFilms)

Emma Sano was the younger half-sister of Shinichiro and Manjiro. She was also the adoptive younger sister of Izana Kurokawa in Tokyo Revengers. She had feelings for Draken, and vice versa. Though the two never officially dated, it was evident they had a soft spot for each other.

She tragically passed away when, on the order of Izana, she was attacked by Kisaki. En route to the hospital, she breathed her last.

In the new timeline, once again, the past has been wiped out, and thus everything starts from zero. Hence, there is no order from Izana for Kisaki to attack her. Thus, she too gets revived.

3) Shinichiro Sano

Shinichiro Sano (Image via Ken Wakui, Kodansha)

Another time-leaper in Tokyo Revengers, Shinichiro Sano was the older brother of Manjiro Sano. Given his immense love for his younger sibling, he altered the timeline to save him from an undisclosed tragic death. But by doing so, he had to pay a heavy cost - his life. All this happened before the start of the series.

When Takemichi time-leapt for the final time, he went back much before Shinchiro acquired time-leaping powers. Thus, in doing so, he prevented any of the future events from occurring, and in turn, Shinchiro remained alive in the new timeline.

4) Keisuke Baji

Keisuke Baji (Image via LidenFilms)

Keisuke Baji was the First Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang and was also one of its founders. In the fight against Valhalla, Baji was stabbed by Kazutora and lost a lot of blood. He eventually passed away in Chifuyu’s arms, thanking him for everything.

Another character loved by fans, Baji was restored to the new timeline in Tokyo Revengers. Thanks to Takemichi's final time-leap, the fight against Valhalla happened, and in turn, Baji was never stabbed by Kazutora.

5) Kazutora Hanemiya

Kazutora Hanemiya (Image via LidenFilms)

In one of the timelines, Toman lost the battle on Bloody Halloween to Valhalla. As a result, Toman was absorbed by the latter. Unable to live with Kazutora's betrayal, Mikey took a drastic step and killed him.

However, in the new timeline, considering that Mikey and Takemichi started an all-new Toman, the battle on Bloody Halloween did not happen. Hence, Kazutora was still alive.

6) Izana Kurokawa

Izana Kurokawa was the Eighth leader of the Black Dragon and the former president of Tenjiku. He also served as one of the main antagonists of the Tenjiku Arc in Tokyo Revengers. It was on his order that Kisaki Tetta murdered Emma. After fighting Mikey, Izana Kurokawa was eliminated with Kisaki’s gun while protecting Kakucho.

Given Takemichi's final time-leap, a number of characters have been revived and Izana Kurokawa is one of them. Considering the complete reset of the timeline, Izana did not give the order, thereby preventing his own death.

7) Kisaki Tetta

Kisaki Tetta (Image via LidenFilms)

Yet another fan favorite, Kisaki Tetta was a character who roused mixed emotions from fans. He served as the main antagonist of the Tokyo Revengers series and was the mastermind behind all future events.

In the past, Tenjiku took on Toman. Kisaki sensed that they were losing and chose to escape. He was pursued by Mikey and company before getting run over by a speeding truck.

In the latest chapter of the manga, Takemichi and Mikey form the new Toman. Adding Kisaki to the gang, Takemichi introduced him to the group during its formation, thus establishing him as one of its founding members.

8) Kakucho

Kakucho was the Defense Unit Captain of Mikey's new Kanto Manji Gang in the new Tokyo Revengers timeline. He also served as the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of Tenjiku and was Izana Kurokawa's right-hand man. In an alternate timeline, he stood as Bonten's Number 3.

During Kanto Manji Gang vs Mikey's Toman, Kakucho passed away when he stopped the train from crashing and wiping out the other gang members on the battlefield.

But in the new timeline, no such thing happened. Mikey did not go to the dark side and there was no Kanto Manji Gang. Thus, there was no heated battle. So, Kakucho never met his demise.

9) Yasuhiro Muto

Yasuhiro Muto (or Mucho) was the ex-fifth Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang in Tokyo Revengers. He also stood as a founding member of Tenjiku and executive. Six months following the Tenjiku vs Toman fight, Sanzu brought Mucho out of the penitentiary and took him to the seventh pier at Yokohama Bay.

There, claiming that the King was of sole importance, Sanzu killed Mucho with a katana, given his betrayal to Mikey and Toman. However, with the timeline now reset, Mucho did not betray Mikey and thus was never in a penitentiary, which in turn means he was not slain by Sanzu.

10) Akane Inui

An addition to this list is Tokyo Revengers' Akane Inui which is a bit of a mystery. Whether or not Akane Inui was saved is still unclear. She is mentioned nowhere in the latest chapter. However, her brother does not seem to have the burn scar on his face. This would imply that the house fire which had claimed her life did not occur. So, in the new timeline, the pair of siblings are alive and well.

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