EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Jaye discusses powerful hip hop track "ADHD"

Singaporean rapper and DJ Jaye recently released his hard-hitting hip hop single “ADHD” – which, according to him, stands for ‘Attention, Depression, Hit and Dip’.

The track, which takes influences from trap music, lyrically sees Jaye rap about his experiences with depression and the partying lifestyle he got caught up in.

Here at CelebMix, we got to talk to Jaye to find out a bit more about the track…

Your new single, “ADHD” stands for ‘Attention, Depression, Hit and Dip’, as you rap about your experiences of partying, DJing and depression. How did you decide to tell the journey you’ve been through as a story with the song’s lyrics?

“The movie ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ spurred me into becoming a solo artist who would come to write personal songs, with the first song I wrote being ‘ADHD.’”

It’s an interesting song production-wise, with a beat change halfway through. What inspired the composition?

“Thank you, I’m glad you like it! Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ inspired me to experiment with the song structure, where I essentially created a 4-in-1 song.”

How will you execute the song’s concept through the music video?

“A choose-your-adventure type music video will take the ‘ADHD’ to the next level. You will get to decide which paths the lead character should go down. Inspired by Netflix’s ‘Bandersnatch.’”

Do you think those who have gone through similar experiences will be able to relate to the story you’re telling?

“Yes, as I believe many of us have been through the ups and downs of this roller coaster called life.”

How important do you feel it is to talk about mental health issues and combating them in your music?

“For me, mental health is a priority and at the forefront of my songs. Music is my form of therapy as it helps me express my many pent-up emotions. I encourage my listeners to speak more openly about their feelings with loved ones and to support one another because everyone suffers mentally throughout their lifetime.”

How does it feel to be bringing this track out during the coronavirus pandemic?

“I think it’s apt to be releasing a song like this during the coronavirus pandemic because the world is definitely going through a rough patch and I feel that my song is on the same rocky wavelength.”

Is “ADHD” indicative of what your future releases will sound like?

“100%. Expect more pop, urban and electronic elements.”

Did any artists in particular inspire you when you recorded the track?

“Freddie Mercury was my biggest inspiration for the track.”

Although you probably will not be DJing anytime soon, is this the type of song you’d like to play in DJ sets?

“No, as I actually only like to spin old school hip hop.”

Do you have plans to release more music in the future?

“Yes, until the day I die.”

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

“I would love to collaborate with Gorillaz, because they are a creative genius in my eyes, and I would love to connect both our minds together to create a never felt before musical experience for the world to enjoy.”

Finally, do you have anything to say to your fans?

“Please feel free to message me anytime on Instagram as I would love to speak to every single one of you!”

We would also like to thank Jaye for taking the time out to talk to us!

“ADHD” is out now, and you can listen to it below:

Make sure to follow Jaye across social media:

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