How does the Knapsack affect inventory in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has a whole bunch of items that players can craft various other items with or use in other ways. However, to use the items available in the game, players must store them in their inventory; they are always looking to increase their inventory space in the game so they get to use more items.

Naturally, with the introduction of the Knapsack in the game, players thought they were getting access to more inventory space and would be able to store things in their Knapsack.

Knapsack is a fashion item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Much to players' disappointment, they found out that the Knapsack cannot be used for storage purposes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and is simply a fashion accessory that players can use in the game. Purchasing a Knapsack does not affect players' inventory at all.

The Knapsack is available to use in two different colors: black and blue. Players can get their hands on Knapsacks in the game by purchasing it from Kicks for the price of 630 Bells. However, they must keep in mind that purchasing the Knapsack does not increase inventory space at all since it is merely a fashion item in the game.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons players can often be seen sporting the Knapsack in the game (Image via Tumgir)

Increasing inventory space in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Just because the Knapsack won't increase the player's inventory doesn't mean that there is no way to increase storage space in the game.

At the start of the game, players are provided with 20 storage slots in their inventory. However, they can upgrade that to 40 slots at two different times.

First, players can unlock the Nook Stop in the Nook tent after paying off their 5,000 Nook Mile debt to Tom Nook. Once this is done, players can use 5000 more Nook Miles to purchase the Pocket Organization Guide, which helps players open up 10 more inventory slots.

Finally, once players have upgraded from the Resident Services tent to a building, they can unlock the Ultimate Pocket Stuffing in New Horizons and unlock 10 more storage slots in their inventory. This allows them to bring their total inventory space to 40 storage slots.

Players must also try and keep some available inventory space in their pockets at all times since they can always come across things that they would like to keep. Hence, they must attempt to only store items that are rare or items they will need immediately.

When it comes to items that players can get access to at any time, they can refrain from blocking inventory space with these items; these items can just be obtained from the island when required.

While the Knapsack does not help players further increase storage space in the game, players need not be disheartened about this since there are other ways to increase storage space in the inventory in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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