How to use, co-op mode, and more

Slime Rancher from developer Monomi Park is a life-simulation adventure title. It was well-received by both players and critics when it was officially released in August 2017 for both Xbox One and PC. The game was so good that it was later launched on other platforms, like the PlayStation 4 in 2018 and the Nintendo Switch in 2021.

While those on home consoles are enjoying Slime Rancher as it is, players on PC have devised a Multiplayer mod that makes the game more addicting.

Slime Rancher Multiplayer mod levels up the game

How to download and use Saty's Multiplayer mod

Slime Rancher’s Multiplayer mods were devised to introduce both remote and local multiplayer within the game in real time. One of the most popular of these mods is the one developed by Saty.

Saty's Multiplayer mod can be downloaded by visiting the mod maker’s website or joining their Discord servers. The difference between the two methods is that you have to pay for the former, while the latter is free.

To get Saty's Multiplayer mod, you can follow these easy steps:

1) Head to Saty’s Discord server and download the Slime Rancher mod in its #multiplayer-development section.

2) Extract the files into the SlimeRancher folder.

3) Launch UnityInjector.exe. This integration tool is essential for playing the mod.

4) Launch the game.

5) Log in with your username.

Note that this Multiplayer mod will only work for the first game and not its sequel (Slime Rancher 2).

You’ll know you’ve done the steps correctly if you see an SRMP menu. Here, you can either host a game or join one alongside your friends.

If you wish to host a game, choose Host Game, enter Save Name, Config, and then click on Host. For those who want to join a server, select Join Game and join through IP Address, Server Browser, or Server Code.

More about multiplayer and co-op mode features

You can play the game with friends using Saty's Multiplayer mod (Image via Monomi Park)

The Multiplayer mod can accommodate a maximum of 99 players. It supports both LAN and online play.

The game also has a co-op mode, though its player count is way lower than the Multiplayer mod, with a max capacity of eight players. Like the mod, co-op is also playable on both LAN and online.

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