Pact of the Blade guide

In Baldur's Gate 3, players start out by choosing their race, sub-race, and class during character creation, along with their appearance. One of the classes available is Warlocks, which possesses innate spellcasting abilities but can also do well as a martial class. While progressing through the game with your Warlock, leveling up will give you access to new class features and spells. You will also be able to add a few points to your chosen stat or select feats to improve your character.

One of the unique upgrades that will become available for your Warlock is a Pact Boon. This occurs once you reach level three, and you can choose from three different options.

Looking into Pact of the Blade in Baldur's Gate 3

One of the Pact Boons you can select for your Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3 is the Pact of the Blade. If you are familiar with Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, you might consider this as the closest thing to the Hexblade subclass.

Each Pact you can choose at level three will provide you with a unique upgrade, with Pact of the Blade turning you into a deadlier combatant. This will allow your Warlock to bind you to your current weapon, making it magical.

However, if you seek a weapon upgrade after reaching the third level, you are in luck. An alternate benefit of choosing Pact of the Blade is you can summon a magical weapon out of thin air in combat.

You become automatically proficient with this weapon. Furthermore, the stat for wielding it becomes Charisma. This is a unique situation since other weapons use Strength or Dexterity in Baldur's Gate 3. It is also beneficial for your Warlock since Charisma is your primary stat which means you are more likely to obtain better attack rolls with the weapon you summon.

You can summon among the following weapons if you select Pact of The Blade upon reaching level three in Baldur's Gate 3:

  • Rapier: Does 1d8 Piercing Damage.
  • Trident: Can do 1d8 Slashing when wielded with two hands, or 1d6 Slashing if you use one hand.
  • Greatsword: A two-handed weapon that does 2d6 Slashing damage.
  • Glaive: A long-reaching, two-handed weapon that can do 1d10 Slashing Damage.
  • Warhammer: Does either 1d10 or 1d8 Bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands or one hand, respectively.
  • Battleaxe: Similar to the Warhammer in almost every regard, except that it causes Slashing instead of Bludgeoning damage.

After reaching level five, your pact weapon gets an extra attack which means you can attack twice in one turn.

Choosing the right subclass for a Pact of the Blade build

Before reaching level three and choosing your Pact Boon in Baldur's Gate 3, you must confirm your subclass by selecting the type of Patron you serve. The three options for Patrons are The Fiend, The Great Old One, and The Archfey.

Each one provides a unique benefit that leans towards a specific type of class build in Baldur's Gate 3, so make sure to choose the right Patron if you want to go for Pact of The Blade.

Among these three, the best Patron for Pact of the Blade is The Fiend. Choosing it will allow you to cast Armor of Agathys, which provides five temporary hitpoints while also causing five points of Cold Damage to creatures that hit you with melee attacks. It also gives you the spell called Arms of Hadar, which prevents enemies from taking reactions along with 2d6 Necrotic Damage.

Aside from these two spells, it also grants another unique bonus. This bonus ensures that every time your Warlock reduces the hit points of a hostile creature to zero, they gain HP equivalent to their Charisma Modifier+Level. This bonus is great with Pact of The Blade because you get stronger with each enemy killed by your powerful magical weapon in Baldur's Gate 3.

Pact of The Blade is one of the three options for Warlock builds in Baldur's Gate 3. If you want to know more about the other two, check out this list.

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