What Happened to Here for the Tea? The YouTuber Is Apparently Dead

YouTuber Here for the Tea is apparently dead, and many want to know if the news is true, and what happened that led to her fairly sudden passing.

YouTuber Here for the Tea, who's real name was Samantha Rabinowitz, has apparently died. The news first hit many social media feeds after Twitter user SmokeyGlow tweeted about Sam's passing, and the story has since spread across the internet. Sam's fairly sudden death, which comes after her relative silence on social media, has led many to wonder what happened that led to her death.

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What happened to Here for the Tea?

Sam's YouTube channel Here for the Tea was focused on drama among other influencers, particularly in the YouTube space. For some, she was formative in the drama YouTube space as she became one of the first channels dedicated to discussing the lives of other influencers. She also exposed shady influencer marketing and sales tactics more than once. In recent weeks, though, Sam has not been posting regularly on social media, and many fans were wondering whether everything was alright.

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On Nov. 2, Sam offered an explanation for her absence from social media on Twitter. "Hey guys, as some of you have noticed, I’ve been away from socials for a bit," she wrote. "I received some devastating news recently and I just kind of want to be offline for a while. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to see if I’m okay. It truly means so much to me."

The news of Sam's death was first made public by her sister.

In the wake of Sam's death, her older sister Lisa Greenspoon took to Sam's Instagram and Facebook pages to let fans know that her sister had died. "It is with a heavy heart and the most extreme sadness that I am sharing this news," she wrote. "My baby sister Sam @hereforthetea2 has passed away. She passed away peacefully in her sleep yesterday."

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Lisa's announcement didn't contain any firm explanation as to what happened to her sister, and some have speculated as to how Sam died. For the most part, though, the beauty and drama influencer community has been in mourning as they deal with the loss of one of their most influential members.

Source: Twitter

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“My condolences and prayers to the friends and family of Sam. We had our ups and downs through the years but that girl was really there for me through some of my toughest times,” Peter Monn of Truth Sleuth wrote. “We laughed we cried and she will always be remembered!”

"I can't even begin to describe my feelings right now," beauty guru Manny MUA wrote. "I can't process this, when Sam's sister called me earlier and told me the news my heart truly shattered. Sam I love you so much and you will be so missed. Thank you for being such an amazing friend to me."

"This particularly hurts because Sam was genuinely one of the good ones who made social media less shitty," Jackie Aina added. "At a time when it was REALLY sh-tty. She was sweet, she was no BS and you couldn’t put a price on her integrity. Ever. I never even met her but she’d ride for me & vice versa."
