Where does Joe Rogan shoot JRE? A complete tour of his studio in Austin, TX

Joe Rogan initially kept his old red studio design when he moved to Austin, Texas in September 2022.

However, the UFC color commentator decided to completely refurnish his studio and unveiled the revamped version during an episode of the JRE podcast featuring fellow comedian Tom Segura in 2021. A recently released video on the internet has treated fans to a complete tour of Rogan's Austin studio.

Several oddities like ancient samurai armours, a statue of the Buddha and multiple statues of werewolves are proudly put on display. Scores and scores of paintings and pictures, including one of Conor McGregor, are spread all throughout with careless abandon. The studio also a solid collection of whiskey, snacks and coffee machines.

Take a tour of Rogan's studio below:

UFC superstar Sean O'Malley was recently left impressed upon his visit to Joe Rogan's studio in Austin. 'Sugar' said on The Timbo Sugar Show:

"F*cking pretty sweet studio. He's got a deprivation tank in there. His studio is pretty f'n big he's got like a full gym in there. He's got some mats, some bags, a bunch of weights, hot sauna, cold plunge all that in there. It's pretty pimp." h/t Sportskeeda

Joe Rogan explains his new studio design

Joe Rogan moved from Los Angeles to a $14.4 million lakefront mansion in Austin, Texas in 2020, admittedly due to overpopulation in L.A. However, it wasn't untill April 2021 that the UFC color commentator came up with a brand new design for his studio where he shoots the world's No.1 podcast.

The studio has a sign of a neon UFO abducting a human, representing Rogan's interest in aliens. The sign was created for Rogan by Austin-based artist Todd Sanders of Roadhouse Relics. Explaining the design, the JRE host told Heavy:

"I mixed it up. A little bit of the old, a little new. A little bit of alien sh*t... It looks cool, but it might not be the right spot for it, we’ll figure that out. It’s a little odd though, me and then a big neon thing of my name right behind me. It’s a little obnoxious. I looked at the image on the screen and I was like, ‘Oh that’s not what I was hoping.’ It looks dope, it’s a cool sign, but I don’t know if it’s the right background.”

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